About me

I am a game developer with a strong foundation in programming and 3D pipelines. I have worked with many different tech stacks and I am especially confident with Unity and C#. I love prototyping new ideas, and I will always jump on the chance to learn a new skill.
My strengths are writing clean code, designing sustainable tech architecture and building human-friendly applications. I am a strong collaborator and enjoy working with people of different skill sets. I have experience developing for mobile platforms with Unity and deploying to app stores. Optimizing workflows comes naturally to me.
I have a mixed background with a Bachelor’s degree in Communication and IT from the University of Copenhagen (2016) and a Master’s Degree in Games - Technology (2018) (yes, I can officially call myself Master of Games, and I do so as often I can).
Take a look around here at some of the projects I have been involved in over the past few years. If you want the formal specifics, take a look at my CV.
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